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Our beta readers will provide you with a beta reader report that outlines what’s
working and what’s not working. Our beta readers are experienced writers that love to read, have a passion
for books, and understand what makes a good book.
This is a great way to get targeted feedback from real readers. Better to hear it now rather than hear it from
all the one-star reviews on Amazon later.
Getting another person’s opinion is one of the foundations of the book industry.
Beta readers are vital in all stages of a book’s development:
 In the middle of writing your manuscript to improve as you write
 Before sending your manuscript to an editor to cut down on editing time
 After implementing your editors changes to see what the impact is
 Before publication to see what kind of reviews you would receive
 After publication to continue to improve your book
The fact is, you spend so much time on your manuscripts that you can’t see it objectively. Most successful
authors often have a team of beta readers.
2 Beta Readers
2 – 1,000+ Word Reports
A Detailed Analysis
Improvement Suggestions
Delivered in 45 days